Message Frequency
By opting into our SMS messaging service, you consent to receive periodic text messages from Litheli. These messages may include service updates, delivery notifications, promotional content, and alerts related to your acount. The frequengy of mesages may vary based on your level of engagement, the type of serices you utilze, and your specific interactions with us. Typically, users can expect an estimated daily volume of 1 to 10 meessages, depending on the nature of the communications.
Potential Fees
While Litheli does not charge for sending SMS notifications, please be aware that message and data rates may apply depending on your mobile carrier and serice plan. Standard text messaging fees or data charges may be incurred, which are beyond our control. Please consult your mobile service provider for details on any fees that may appy.
Opt-In and opt-Out Methods
To star receiving SMS notifications from us, you must explicitly opt-in by visiting our SMS Consent form. By opting in, you agree to receive communications from Litheli including service alerts, promotional messages, and account updates.
lf you wish to stop receiving SMS notifications at any time, you may opt-out by Replying "STOP" to any text message you receive from us.
Opt-Out Example:
"Thank you for opting out of SMS messages from Litheli. No further messages will be sent, To opt back in at any time."